Obela's classic hommus healthy and sustainable product review rating eat sustainably
Eat Sustainbly recommended
Obela’s classic hommus has been reviewed by our team of dietitians, nutritionists and sustainable eating experts. The healthy and sustainable product rating considers the following: nutritional value, packaging, processing, food origins and food miles. Keep reading for details on the pros, cons and overall summary of this product.
Our rating
  • This dip is predominantly chickpeas, meaning it’s plant based, high in plant based proteins and fibre, tick tick tick!
  • It’s got minimal additives compared to most other dips on the market
  • It’s made from 84% Australian ingredients - hooray! Low food miles and supporting Aussie farmers, we love it
  • Obela have gone to the effort of testing their dips for the presence of allergens, meaning they take it seriously which we love at Eat Sustainably. Unfortunately, it also means they have found it to be at risk of milk, tree nuts & sulfites
  • Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free & absolutely delicious!
  • The major downfall of this dip (and most on the market) is that it is packaged in plastic
  • It’s ever so slightly high in sodium (salt), but again compared to many other options on the market, it’s not too bad
  • A couple of additives which are needed in a pre-packaged dip.

We love hommus at Eat Sustainably, a wonderful way to include more plant based protein foods in your day, in a totally delicious way. We always recommend making things from scratch (and we have a wonderful hommus recipe here). However, this isn’t always possible. When it’s not, we recommend you grab this one. Primarily because it is nutritionally fab, made from mostly Australian ingredients and has minimal additives. However, this product does come in plastic, which we don’t love, but for a dip it is hard to avoid - make sure you eat it all (reduce food waste), rinse is out properly and put it in the recycling bin.

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