Children kids sustainable eating eco-friendly
5 min read
There are many health and environmental benefits linked to children and families eating in a more eco-friendly way. There are fun and interactive ways to engage your babies, children and adolescents in choosing, preparing and eating...

Children learning about eating sustainably can result in short and long term benefits to their health and the environment. From babies to adolescents, nutrient requirements can be met through eating sustainably, leaving them to enjoy what they love most - having fun! 


There are many health benefits linked to the dietary behaviours as part of a sustainable diet, both physical and mental. A few examples of some that are specific to starting a sustainable eating journey with your kids are:


  • Eating more wholefoods, and less highly processed and often packaged foods can mean kids eat less saturated fat, salt and added sugars. The marketing of highly processed snack foods is often targeted at children and of course, kids love the taste. With time, exposure and fun, wholefoods will and can be delicious, healthy and eco-friendly alternatives


  • Get kids involved. Engaging children in planning, choosing, helping prepare, cooking and eating foods can offer beautiful experiences, and it helps to establish a positive relationship with food. As a parent or carer, it can sometimes feel stressful and hard to have kids involved, but the paediatric nutrition experts at Eat Sustainably will support you in your family’s food journey


  • Greater understanding of food. Kids don’t have to have a backyard or grown foods to learn where they come from. By talking to your kids about where food comes from and how it goes, can offer your kids a greater understanding and appreciation of the food supply chain and food waste (not with guilt, by interest). This can have lifelong benefits for health and the environment


  • Positive role modelling from adults. This can impact what children eat in adolescents and adulthood, even if they don’t eat it now. This can impact long term food and taste preferences


  • Whole of family approach. Incorporating everyone in the same way of eating, can bring your family or community together. Food is so much more than nutrients or where it’s from. Food is about enjoying it with people, connecting it to culture and the land we’re on.


The environmental implications of kids eating sustainably

  • Speaking to kids clearly and honestly about the impact humans have on the planet (without guilt or shame) can support what they’re learning at school (often from as young as kindergarten). This can include the significant impact of what and how we eat contributes to climate change. Over time, and combined with your role modelling around sustainable eating, kids will start to understand and adopt these behaviours


  • Teaching kids about how eco-friendly behaviours don’t need to only relate to food and eating, but other parts of their lives. This can include riding or walking to school, rather than driving, or recycling their toys


  • The behaviours we teach and model for our children will have the greatest impact on the future, as behaviours learnt early in life are often carried throughout adulthood.


Why is this important? Because our children and grandchildren are going to be more effected by climate change than we are.


Do you have questions about feeding your kids and babies an eco-friendly diet? Join our community today to have your questions answered and access our child-friendly recipes.

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