However, eggs are still animal-based foods and are not appropriate for people following a vegan diet.
Eggs fit into the ‘meat, poultry, fish and alternatives’ food group of the Australian Dietary Guidelines, one ‘serve’ of eggs is equivalent to two eggs. For most people, there is no limit to the number of eggs that should be eaten per week – from a health perspective. But, if you eat them too often then it’s likely you’re not eating a wide variety of other protein sources, such as nuts, legumes and tofu.
It’s important to note that people who have type 2 diabetes or are at increased risk of heart disease (such as having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a family history of heart disease) the National Heart Foundation of Australia recommends eating a maximum of 7 eggs per week.
What are the environmental impacts of eggs?
Although humans eat eggs from many birds, 92% of global egg production is from chickens, and chicken eggs are the most consumed eggs in Australia. A review of the scientific evidence of the global warming potential of chicken eggs found eggs (including free range eggs) have a negative impact on the environment due to emissions, but still less than beef, sheep, or pork.
We encourage people to eat a variety of foods that are good for both health and the environment, so if you eat a lot of eggs, start to find plant-based alternatives that you like to replace some of the eggs.